We urgently need your help to print and distribute as many additional copies of our Finding Hope booklet in Ukrainian as we can – and in other languages as required, including Russian. Your gift today will help us to respond to the rapidly increasing need and equip those reaching and caring for the refugees, bringing hope in deep despair.
Finding Hope was originally developed as a crisis response resource. Provided alongside food, clothing, and practical assistance, this printed booklet offers spiritual comfort and a source of hope to people forced to leave their homes, jobs, and often their partners who remain in Ukraine to defend their homeland.
“We urgently need to do all we can to help and to live and share life words in this terrible situation,” says Jarek Jankowski, who heads up the Global Bible Resources work in Poland. “The printed resources are proving very useful here in Poland, and in other countries, amongst many churches and Christian ministries helping the war refugees, offering shelter and practical help. Orders for our Ukrainian printed resources immediately began, but we only have a small quantity left. We desperately need more copies of Finding Hope – it is print-ready, both in Ukrainian and Russian. Please help if you can!”
More and more war refugees from Ukraine are finding their way to neighbouring countries every day. People have been generously providing food, clothing, accommodation – and many others voluntarily giving their time to help. But alongside the very practical needs at this time is the need for hope. Working alongside churches and Christian ministries we want to ensure these resources are available wherever they are needed, and in the languages that are required. In this time of huge upheaval and trauma in the lives of so many, these resources will offer comfort, and the opportunity to find hope in the knowledge of a loving God.
1,000 copies of our Ukrainian resources, including Finding Hope, were ordered by Kościół Woda Życia (Water of Life Church) in Łódź, Poland. They are a small evangelical community doing what they can to help. “We offer accommodation and practical help and also support 20-30 refugees from Ukraine who are finding shelter and care in a Christian centre in nearby Zgierz,” explains Jarek Celebański, the church pastor. “Also, we work together with other churches in our city, exchanging information about current needs and available resources. We are ordering the Ukrainian Bible materials not only for our fellowship – war always causes suffering of innocent people and we want to give them hope. In spite of these terrible circumstances, I’m praying and hoping for good fruits.”
In addition to the printed booklets, our Ukrainian Finding Hope online animation – available on YouTube and social media – offers a digital tool which can be easily shared, even in the midst of conflict. On Facebook, plays have exceeded 120k in the first two weeks of the conflict (around 70% of whom are women). We will continue making this available – alongside other language versions of the animation. If you would like to donate to Lifewords ministry to serving Ukrainian refugees in Poland, and other countries, please make a gift today – time is of the essence.
If you are not able to donate right now, please do pray for our ministry in this challenging situation. We pray that many will find hope even in the anguish and that Easter’s story of a new start may come to fruition for Ukraine and all those affected by this conflict. Please join us in prayer and solidarity for all the refugees, for all those that remain in Ukraine, for the ordinary Russian people, and all those working for peace and justice. And thank you for your gift to Lifewords for this cause.
Finding Hope is also available in other languages.